steam deck


  • Valve is not interested in releasing a new Steam Deck every year, instead focusing on delivering meaningful generational leaps.
  • This approach stands in contrast to the annual release cycle of a major tech company, which is reportedly moving away from yearly refreshes.
  • By prioritizing quality over quantity, Valve is ensuring that customers will feel like they're getting their money's worth with each new Steam Deck iteration.

In an industry where the latest and greatest is often synonymous with success, Valve’s approach to the Steam Deck is a refreshing change of pace. While other tech giants are caught in the relentless cycle of annual releases, Valve is taking a more measured approach, focusing on delivering meaningful upgrades rather than incremental improvements.

A promotional image for the Steam Deck, Valve's handheld gaming PC. No annual releases, no FOMO for customers every year. | Image Credit: Valve

But what’s driving this decision, and why is it so important? To understand that, we need to look at the cautionary tale of a major tech company that’s reportedly only now realizing the error of its ways.

The Pitfalls of Annual Releases: Apple’s Hard-Learned Lesson

Image of CEO Tim Cook presenting a segment of the Apple Event.The company is reportedly preparing to change its course. | Image Credit: Apple/YouTube

That company, of course, is Apple. For years, the tech behemoth has been locked into a yearly release cycle for its products, from iPhones to iPads to Macs. But according to recent reports from Bloomberg, that’s all about to change.

Rumor has it that Apple is moving away from annual releases, particularly for its M-series chips and iPad lineup. The reason? The incremental upgrades simply aren’t justifying the cost and effort of a yearly refresh.

It’s a lesson that Valve seems to have learned early on with the Steam Deck. In a recent interview with Australia celebrating the launch of the popular handheld gaming PC in the land down under, Lawrence Yang, a designer on the Steam Deck team, made it clear that Valve is not interested in the yearly cadence:

It is important to us, and we’ve tried to be really clear, we are not doing the yearly cadence. We’re not going to do a bump every year.

Yang went on to explain that there’s simply no reason to release a new iteration of the handheld every year, and that doing so wouldn’t be fair to customers:

There’s no reason to do that. And, honestly, from our perspective, that’s kind of not really fair to your customers to come out with something so soon that’s only incrementally better.

This consumer-first approach is a stark contrast to the industry norm, where planned obsolescence often seems to be the order of the day. By prioritizing substantial improvements over minor tweaks, Valve is positioning the Steam Deck as a long-term investment rather than a disposable gadget.

The Steam Deck 2’s Generational Leap: Quality Over Quantity

A promotional render of the Steam Deck with a purple and pink background.The Steam Deck 2 may be farther away, but this is not a bad thing. | Image Credit: Valve

Instead of rushing to release a new Steam Deck every year, Valve is taking its time to ensure that the next iteration is a true generational leap. As Yang put it:

We really do want to wait for a generational leap in compute without sacrificing battery life before we ship the real second generation of Steam Deck.

It’s a philosophy that prioritizes quality over quantity, and it’s one that could pay off big for Valve in the long run. By waiting until they can deliver a device that’s significantly better than the current model, they’re ensuring that customers will feel like they’re getting their money’s worth.

And it’s not like Valve is resting on its laurels in the meantime. Yang made it clear that the company is excited about the future of the Steam Deck and is actively working on the next generation:

But it is something that we’re excited about and we’re working on.

So while we may not see a new Steam Deck every year, we can rest assured that when the next one does arrive, it’ll be worth the wait.

As the tech industry continues to evolve, it’ll be interesting to see if more companies follow Valve’s lead and prioritize meaningful upgrades over annual refreshes. If Apple’s reported shift is any indication, the tide—thankfully—may already be turning.

What do you think about Valve’s approach to the Steam Deck? Do you appreciate their focus on generational leaps, or would you prefer to see more frequent updates? Let us know in the comments below!

AppleGaming HandheldSteam DeckValve


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 262

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. Now, when he's not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty, Valorant or even Rocket League, you can catch him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!