Jujutsu Kaisen; celebrated in the realm of Shonen anime and manga, has concluded its main storyline, leaving fans in a state with mixed emotions. Despite its widespread popularity, the ending of Gege Akutami’s masterpiece has sparked widespread debates within the fandom, with many expressing dissatisfaction over unresolved storylines and the fates of beloved characters.
However, amid this whirlwind of emotions, a glimmer of hope has emerged in the form of Gege Akutami’s comment which hints that the journey might not be over yet. Could this be an indication of more Jujutsu Kaisen to come, or is it merely Akutami’s way of leaving the door open for possibilities?
Gege Akutami’s doodle and comment: A farewell or a foreshadowing?
On 25th December 2024, Jujutsu Kaisen ended its long journey with volume 30. It marked a significant milestone as it concluded the intense and often brutal journey of Yuji Itadori and the other Jujutsu sorcerers. While the story’s conclusion is definitive, Gege Akutami‘s accompanying message has stirred speculation.
Akutami used the phrase “Someday. We’ll meet again.” paired with a simple yet evocative doodle of an open door, leaving fans to wonder about its true meaning. Fans have been speculating that perhaps it’s Akutami’s way of hinting at a possible sequel or a spin-off. Just like Masashi Kishimoto‘s Naruto; Jujutsu Kaisen may also come back with a newer series.
— Myth (@f9x00) December 26, 2024Im still waiting for jjk shippuden
— Joinab Liza (@joinabliza2014) December 26, 2024we'll meet again don't know where don't know when but i know we'll meet again some sunny day
— koval (@Noikka0) December 26, 2024Jjk shippuden on the way pic.twitter.com/2vIDyDHtMN
— shahynez (@shahynez_mk) December 26, 2024JJK prequel please, JJK -1 (minus one), Heian Era, featuring Sukuna as the actual MC.
— Muhammad Ulil 'Azmi (@M_Ulil_Azmi) December 26, 2024Sukuna’s enigmatic past and his rise as the King of Curses could serve as the foundation for a riveting prequel. Fans have longed for more insight into his life before becoming a curse, and such a narrative could enrich the lore of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Moreover, a sequel could focus on the next generation of Jujutsu sorcerers. Characters like Yuta Okkotsu, Maki Zenin, and Hakari Kinji could take on mentorship roles, guiding a new batch of students through the perilous world of Jujutsu High. This would allow Akutami to explore fresh dynamics while retaining familiar faces.
Addressing unresolved questions of Jujutsu Kaisen?
The manga industry has seen numerous creators revisit their iconic works after completing them. For instance, Masashi Kishimoto returned to the Naruto universe with Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, providing a sequel that expanded on his original work. Similarly, Tite Kubo revisited the Bleach universe with the Can’t Fear Your Own World light novels and the Thousand-Year Blood War anime adaptation.
Given this trend, it wouldn’t be surprising if Akutami followed suit, either through a direct sequel, spin-off, or even a collaborative project. These can provide answers to lingering questions that have haunted fans since the manga’s conclusion as many fans are left unsatisfied with it.
Gege Akutami’s message, “Someday. We’ll meet again”, demonstrated the bittersweet sentiment that often accompanies the end of a beloved series. Whether it’s a promise of future stories or a heartfelt farewell, it has reignited the passion and curiosity of fans worldwide. Until the day we meet again, fans will continue to cherish and speculate about the universe Akutami has so masterfully crafted.
Jujutsu Kaisen is currently available to read on Viz Media.