

  • It was recently announced by Netflix that they are working on a series that brings fans back into the world of Cyberpunk.
  • As soon as the news was announced, fans mentioned that they do not wish for the series to be a continuation of Edgerunners.
  • The streaming giant's history with milking a show to its very core has made audiences worried that the same will happen to the 2022 series.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is a perfect series. Being a perfect blend of a human story in a time when the world could not be further from humanity, the series ended up touching audiences in ways that little shows have managed to do. While the game is iconic in its own right, this ten-episode series ended up leaving audiences broken in more ways than one.

 EdgerunnersCyberpunk: Edgerunners | Credit: Netflix

While some might assume that the series would get hate for the emotional impact it had on its audiences, the reality could not be further from it. The 2022 series has found a special place in the hearts of the fans, and they have become quite protective of it.

With this in mind, one can imagine what will happen if the perfection of this single-season story is disturbed.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners in Danger?

The ending of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is heartbreakingly magnificent. David loses his life to Adam Smasher but dies knowing that Lucy is safe. What makes the tale all the more tragic is the fact that only Lucy and Flaco survive by the end of it, breaking fans in the worst ways possible.

 Edgerunners | Studio TriggerA still from Netflix’s Cyberpunk: Edgerunners | Credit: Netflix

Although the ending was painful, it certainly helped in the project getting a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It tied up all loose ends and delivered a cohesive story that did not leave the audience wanting more.

The game developers of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, and Netflix recently made an announcement for their fans that has audiences quite concerned. It was announced on the streaming giant’s official X account that they are developing another series from the depths of Night City.

Netflix Does Not Have A Good History With Perfection

In its announcement, it was not specified if the show was going to be a continuation of the story of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners in the form of another season or something entirely new. This ambiguity has had many fans concerned about the direction that Netflix is going to take with their beloved masterpiece.

 Edgerunners | Studio TriggerCyberpunk: Edgerunners | Credit: Netflix

There is a small Easter egg in Cyberpunk 2077 that alludes to the fact that Lucy set up a memorial for all of the fallen members of the 2022 series. While this could hint at the fact that Netflix will leave this continuity untouched, its past patterns still have audiences concerned about what it is going to do with the new show.

Netflix has gained quite a reputation for caring more about profits than storytelling and the integrity of projects. Shows that are too good are canceled too soon and shows that should have ended years ago run on until they are ruined and unrecognizable. With this pattern in mind, it is not surprising that fans are worried about Edgerunners.

 Edgerunners | Studio TriggerA still from Netflix’s Cyberpunk: Edgerunners | Credit: Netflix

Under the announcement, many fans mentioned that they wanted the story of Edgerunners to remain untouched. Although there are theories that David made it out alive, it is safe to say that fans are not paying much heed to them. Fans mentioned that they would love to witness a new story that deals with new characters from Night City, with some cameos here and there.

I really hope its a new story and not a sequel

— Reflection (@Not_Reflection) September 20, 2024

I think edgerunners was the best. Think they can top it?

— Neura (@Neura_exe) September 20, 2024

Edge runners was a masterpiece and I’d give it an 11/10 if I can, put me in literal depression, I don’t need a sequel to something perfect if it’s gonna ruin that.

— James (@James_ENTMT_) September 20, 2024

They're not bringing back David's gang, if they do it'd be a waste if potential. Edgerunners would work best as an anthology.

— Pablowablo (@PabloWabIo) September 20, 2024

However, they do not want the streaming giant to ruin the perfect ending of their beloved show.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is available for streaming on Netflix.

Cyberpunk: EdgerunnersNetflix


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1505

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.