demi moore


  • G.I. Jane, a film that Demi Moore is very proud off, had her go through an intense transformation .
  • After the film , the actress stopped molding her body as the role demanded, given that she was forgetting what her natural shape was.
  • Her latest film, The Substance, deals with how aging women are looked down upon in Hollywood, from the lens of a body horror film.

Demi Moore has changed her body a lot over her career, but there was one film that got her to realize that it might not be the most healthy thing to do. There have been a lot of stories out of Hollywood where actors go through a lot of pain to physically transform their bodies.

Demi Moore was dedicated to the role!Demi Moore was dedicated to the role! || Credit: Largo Entertainment

Demi Moore, speaking with The New York Times, talked about how the film drained her, and how the actress decided to surrender then and there. G.I. Jane was a film that Moore was the most proud of, as the actress revealed. However, the film was a flop, earning a meager 48.2 million against its 50 million budget.

Demi Moore ‘surrendered’ after G.I. Jane

G.I. Jane || Credit: Largo Entertainment

Speaking with The New York Times, Demi Moore revealed how she ‘manipulated’ her body for roles, which is something that her male counterparts are very famous for. Be it Christian Bale or Chris Hemsworth, there have been a lot of conversations about how the change in the bodies, enforced due to roles, takes a toll on their bodies. She said:

After I finished “G.I. Jane” is when I had a huge shift, because I had manipulated my body, I had changed it multiple times, through just pure force and discipline, and when I finished that film, I was so kind of worn down in this battle that I had been in that I finally surrendered.

And I feel like I just started to ask to be my natural size because I didn’t know what it was. I literally couldn’t go in a gym. I couldn’t control food in that way, and I really experienced the gift of surrender.

The actress has a lot of issues with the constant changes that her body endured, to the point where the actor was not able to remember what her natural body size was. After G.I. Jane, she took it upon herself to be kinder to her body, which would have had a positive impact on her physical and mental health.

Demi Moore’s latest body-horror film takes on how Hollywood treats its aging actresses

Demi Moore in The Substances || Credit: Mubi

Demi Moore‘s latest film, The Substance, also deals with Hollywood and its relationship with the bodies of performers. Presented as a body-horror film, the satirical feature follows a woman and her aging body while she navigates Hollywood.

The film’s storyline echoes some struggles that Demi Moore faced in the industry, which is a reality for a lot of aging actors. Even if the artist does not look the age that they have, the industry will often cast them in roles that they feel are more suitable for them. Recently, Charlize Theron came out saying that she was offered the role of Wonder Woman’s mother, despite being just nine years older than Gal Gadot.

The Substance can be streamed on Mubi

Demi MooreG.I. Jane


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 944

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.