diablo 4


  • The executive producer of Diablo 4, Gavian Whishaw, explained that the Vessel of Hatred update will answer many questions related to story.
  • Blizzard Entertainment will never shut down its previous Diablo games as they want players to play what they want.
  • With the Vessel of Hatred update, Blizzard Entertainment completely reworked the gameplay elements of Diablo 4, setting up its perfect comeback.

Blizzard Entertainment always focuses on longevity while developing its Diablo games and that’s exactly what the studio has in mind for the fourth game in the series, Diablo 4. The game’s first expansion, Vessel of Hatred, was released recently and it answers some crucial questions.

diablo 4, vessel of hatredDiablo 4‘s Vessel of Hatred finally answered some crucial questions about the game’s story (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The top-down action role-playing dungeon-crawling game was initially a massive hit but it was clear that the game was slowly losing popularity but this new update takes things to the next level. Blizzard has reworked many gameplay mechanics and added a lot of new content to make sure the game stays relevant.

The Vessel of Hatred Update Will Answer Many Questions Related To Diablo 4‘s Story

The executive producer of Diablo 4, Gavian Whishaw, recently sat down with VGC to talk about the game’s first expansion, Vessel of Hatred. During the conversation, Whishaw explained that the update answers a lot of questions related to the story,

People have been asking for more campaign, more story – They want to know where the characters are in the world, and what they’re doing, and how they’re progressing. So Vessel of Hatred answers quite a few questions about that.

Further in the interview, Diablo series head, Rod Fergusson, explained that Blizzard never shuts down any of its previous Diablo games because the studio wants people to play whatever they want. So far, this strategy has worked out for them as Diablo 3 is still as popular as Diablo 4 despite being a 12-year-old game.

Blizzard Entertainment Is Not Focusing On Churning Money Out Of Its Games

A still from Diablo 4Blizzard is determined to add new content to Diablo 4 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Further in the interview, Diablo series head, Rod Fergusson, was asked if there is some sort of pressure on developers to move players from old Daiblo games to the latest one. Fergusson explained that they focus more on adding more content to Diablo 4 rather than focusing on ways to move players,

There’s opportunities in terms of the Shop and the Battle Pass and those sorts of things, but we really want people to play what they want to play – and whether they’re playing Diablo 4 today, or tomorrow, or whenever, the goal for us is to make the content and the features that are so desirable that people want to come and play Diablo 4.

It’s safe to say that the new Vessel of Hatred update will convince many players to try out Diablo 4 as Blizzard made some major changes to the game, including a reduced level cap, new difficulty settings, new class enhancements, and the return of features like Runewords. The game is slowly making a strong comeback, confirming that Blizzard is heading in the right direction for now.

Diablo 4 is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, and Microsoft Windows. Do you think Blizzard should roll out more updates for Diablo 4 or start focusing on Diablo 5? Share your opinions in the comments!

Blizzard EntertainmentDiablo 4


Written by Farhan Asif

Articles Published: 1292

With over 2 years of experience in content writing, Farhan Asif is a seasoned writer at FandomWire where he specializes in bringing the latest news and insights from the world of entertainment and gaming to readers around the world. With over 1200 published articles for FandomWire, he has also written more than 750 articles for AnimatedTimes. Apart from this, he has a passion for coding and is pursuing a degree in computer science. During his free time, Farhan loves to play video games and hopes to create a video game of his own one day.