In the history of the Shonen genre, duos have always been infectiously popular, who would join forces to take down a common enemy. Usually, these duos share a common objective, but mostly these pairs are just great friends. While a group of three friends is legendary, mangakas typically avoid it because it disrupts the balance of the story.
This felt true until One Piece introduced the Monster Trio, which consisted of Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, and Vinsmoke Sanji, who form the core of the Straw Hat Pirates. With the mighty responsibility of taking down the strongest enemies in every arc of the series, thus becoming irresistibly loved among the fandom.
However, fans should not go overboard in loving the trio because these three names follow the most disgusting habit that one should reconsider thinking about if they do not want to be kicked out of their social circle.
One Piece’s Monster Trio has some “monster B.O.”
Introduced for the very first time in the Arlong Park Arc, Eiichiro Oda got the One Piece fans excited as they featured the three heavyweights of the Straw Hat Pirate crew taking down one of the Warlords of the Sea. Thus, invoking fear in the hearts of their foes and playing a major role in the storyline of the adventure series.
Since the community has grown quite fond of these characters, a lot of us look up to them as their idols and draw inspiration, while some even follow their habits too. However, a One Piece connoisseur (@tamirsverse) uploaded a Short on their YouTube channel, stating how Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro “canonically smell terrible” and how this trio has some “monster B.O.”
Though it might be appalling to the die-hard fans of the characters, there are two major reasons behind them smelling worse than having a pungent body odor. The first reason is that the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates smells like meat; this comes off as no surprise because he eats “more meat on a daily basis than the majority of O.F. models.”
While the Pirate Hunter smells like “steel” and Black Leg smells like “cigarettes, seafood, and rejection.” To make matters worse, their bathing schedules are diabolical; the influencer claimed that Yonko and his swordsman only bathe “once a week.” Hence, for the “99%” of time, he would smell like sweaty meat with awful body odor.
However, one will not be able to stand next to the Moss Head because he will smell like steel for all the nonstop training he does; he will indeed smell worse than Luffy. But the worst smell in all of the trio is Sanji and it is not the smell of rejection from the girls he simps over.
The creator gave him brownie points for taking a shower once per day but was quick to shoot down the praise because cigarettes and seafood are the most bizarre combination one can come across. This stinky revelation has summoned the fan base of the characters, who were not ready to hear the aroma drama.
The One Piece fans are caught in a stinking mess
While the Monster Trio has immense respect in the Otaku community, who continue to come out on top as they fight and take down stronger enemies every time, none were ready for the whole sniff and suffer revelation that the influencer brought to the attention of the One Piece fans.
Though some may argue this whole situation was a stinking mess, the fans left cheeky comments that followed the characters and their behavior in the series. The fans commented,
This interesting revelation by the OP fan was insane because the series, which majorly follows fan theories and mysteries surrounding Luffy’s origin or Shanks’ Evil Twin, decided to bring forward a sense of hygiene for fans who have been following the trio’s bathing schedule.
One Piece can be streamed on Hulu, and the manga can be read on VIZ Media.