Attack on Titan‘s extraordinary popularity solidified its importance in the anime-manga community. However, the ending of the series somewhat tarnished its glory, leading to massive backlash from fans. When one thinks about what Attack on Titan could’ve been, the ending of Code Geass comes to mind. Code Geass anime concluded in 2008, and to this day, it’s highly regarded among fans.
From Lelouch’s characterization to his final plan tying up the entire narrative, there were many aspects that set it apart from bad endings that are commonplace in the anime sphere. The plot progression in the series made all the difference, but the ending is essentially what made Code Geass stand out, not just in comparison to Attack on Titan but even Death Note.
The ending of Code Geass made all the difference
The story of Code Geass begins by exploring Lelouch’s life and his only goal to make the world a livable place for his sister. The hardships in his life help us empathize with him and warm up to him until he gains immense power that could potentially change the world. From that point, Lelouch slowly transforms into an anti-hero who starts sacrificing lives for his own goal.
Despite his twisted actions, the audience shares a connection with the character due to how well-written he is. Every time he makes a decision that endangers someone’s life, it’s presented as a necessary evil on Lelouch’s part. And, the ending proves this point as he sacrifices himself for his goal while uniting the world with Zero Requiem. What makes the ending of Code Geass perfect for many fans is how well it aligns with the narrative.
Lelouch decides to become the villain and puts various pieces together to make it convincing for the audience. For the planning and execution, it’s considered one of the best anime endings and a better version of Attack on Titan, as one user mentioned in the comments of this Instagram reel.
The rushed execution of Eren’s plan and the lack of explanation on his part during the confrontation with Armin left a jarring gap between his intentions and actions. This is exactly where Hajime Isayama fumbled with Attack on Titan.
Attack on Titan failed where Code Geass conquered
Throughout Attack on Titan, Eren was often overshadowed by other characters due to his weaknesses. When he gained power, he became the center of attention, and it was interesting to see him make the best use of everything that was available to him. The switch in his character was easily one of the best plot twists in Attack on Titan. Isayama built a lot of anticipation regarding what Eren would do.
While the anticipation was at an all-time high, the payoff was lackluster. Eren chose to go ahead with the rumbling which was going to be devastating, but his resolve didn’t match his action, nor did his preparation. Eren returned to his old self, crying and sobbing, after making bold claims about what he would do.
Unlike Lelouch, who made a difficult decision and committed to making it into a reality, Eren wavered a lot. Moreover, there are scenes that leave room for Eren’s redemption as Armin takes the responsibility off his shoulders. So, we don’t get to perceive Eren entirely as a villain which he undeniably was in the end. The execution and the moments that led to Lelouch’s perfect exit from the story made all the difference for Code Geass.
Attack on Titan and Code Geass are available to stream on Crunchyroll.