Far Cry 7


  • Far Cry 7 is rumored to include a clock in the game that might set up its best feature to fail.
  • Although these are mere speculations and nothing can be said for sure, the feature does sound exciting.
  • Far Cry needs a reshaping to redefine the way the next game is perceived.

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Far Cry 7 is not too far away now. Some of the recent rumours about the game’s new features have taken over the internet at this moment with a surprising twist.

Far Cry 6 in game screenshot. Far Cry’s latest rumoured feature might change the way the game is perceived. Image Credit: Far Cry 6 via Ubisoft

There is one rumoured feature in the game that might have the potential to transform the way Far Cry is perceived. However, it might not be the best thing for one of the better features of the game since the beginning.

Far Cry 7 Is Rumored To Have Attached A Ticking Clock In Its Neck

Far Cry 4 in-game screenshotFar Cry 7 is rumoured to attach a timer that will redefine its gameplay. Image Credit: Far Cry 4 via Ubisoft

According to speculations made after the rumor of a timer being added to Far Cry 7, there is a high chance that we might have to bid farewell to the feature that reduces the mundanity of the game’s open world.

However, it is still not certain how the in-game clock will be implemented and what affects it might have on the other features. It is, however, fair to say that if a clock is introduced in the game, it is going to have an adverse effect on the fast travel feature.

It cannot be possible that if you are supposed to finish the game in a limited amount of time that the privilege of fast travel will be included. Fast travel has since long enabled players to travel long distances in the matter of seconds, from one hideout to the next.

According to rumors, the time limit to finish the game would be around 72 in-game hours, which translates to 24 real-life hours. There have been many other rumors about the game.

If the clock were to be imbibed, then even the exploration of the entire map for side quests and resources will be included in that time frame. It is highly unlikely that the option of pausing the clock would be available since it would then not make a lot of sense to include the clock in the first place.

There Is A Silver Lining Attached With The Timer

Far Cry 4 in-game screenshotThe rumoured timer feature might not be the worst time after all. Image Credit: Far Cry 4 via Ubisioft

The Far Cry franchise has become stale over the years and in much need of reshaping, and the inclusion of the rumored feature might be the thing that the game needs. Timer can also bring a lot of interesting changes to the gameplay and redefine the way Far Cry is looked upon.

Fast travel could also be changed to high-speed transport strategically planted across the map for people to commute long distances. This will not only increase the relatability of the game but would also be a cool addition that will compliment the timer.

However, nothing can be said for certain as of now since there has been complete silence from Ubisoft’s end, and it is highly unlikely that we might hear something from it soon.

Nevertheless, it would be exciting for the next Far Cry game to lift the curse off of the franchise and give it a fresh start. What is your opinion on the rumored clock? Let us know in the comments below.

Far Cry 7Ubisoft


Written by Anupam Lamba

Articles Published: 182

Anupam Lamba is an avid gamer and film lover. After completing his bachelors in Mass Communication he started working as a writer in the Indian film industry before his love for gaming made him venture into the lanes of Fandomwire and he started working as a gaming writer here.