ps, xbox


  • The gaming community listed some of Sony's great first-party IPs across generations.
  • Sony needs to be reminded of what the company has that Microsoft does not.
  • Sony executives failed to realize they have plenty of great IPs to choose from.

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Sony executives recently released a statement about the company’s lack of original first-party titles and the gaming community reacted accordingly. Whether intellectual properties for films or video games, the company has more than enough compared to other major competitors. However, these executives seem to forget and it is baffling for a company like this to release a statement without reflecting on their portfolio. Other companies like Microsoft are infamous for their weak output of original first-party titles and never complained publicly.

PlayStation logoThe company has a plethora of great original IPs for the gaming division but executives failed to realize that. Image Credit: PlayStation Studios

Countless video games have been released in the past few years and some have been recently adapted to a full motion picture or a live-action television series which were critically praised. These executives have missed the memo and are complaining about a problem they never had.

Sony Has Plenty of Great Original IPs but Most Are Collecting Dust

The recent comments made by Sony executives have raised eyebrows, as the gaming community is baffled by how misguided their words are. Sony Interactive Entertainment oversees everything for the PlayStation brand and acquired several gaming studios in the past like Naughty Dog, Santa Monica Studio, Guerrilla Games, Sucker Punch Productions, and many more. These studios developed countless IPs and kept the company ahead of the competition.

Fans are confused about the recent statement about the company’s lack of IP when it is the opposite. Microsoft struggled in this regard for the Xbox platform, and the executives are hellbent on keeping that way by sharing the limited first-party exclusives they have in their library like porting Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to the PlayStation 5.


Jak & Daxter, Ape Escape, Infamous, Resistance, Killzone, Sly Cooper, Gravity Rush, Motorstorm, Twisted Metal, Dark Cloud, Bloodborne, Medievil, SOCOM

LIKE ???????
did these execs join last week????

— Cynical (@thegamersjoint) September 5, 2024

Sony is stocked with great original IPs and some were recently adapted to other formats like movies and TV shows. The Last of Us was originally a video game developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation systems that was critically acclaimed by fans and critics alike. HBO collaborated with the game creators to adapt it into a television series and thrived on that format.

"We don't havee ipss", you mean you refuse to use them @PlayStation you dumb fuck

1. **Uncharted**
2. **The Last of Us**
3. **God of War**
4. **Gran Turismo**
5. **Ratchet & Clank**
6. **Horizon (Zero Dawn, Forbidden West)**
7. **Spider-Man (Insomniac)**
8. **Bloodborne**

— memhisk (@Memhisk) September 4, 2024

It is one aspect the company never had to struggle with.

they do, they just randomly decided to abandon all of them in favor of specific type of games as soon as the PS4 era started and now it's biting them in the ass because these games take 6 years to make on average

— 🦀 YORA 🦀 (@yoracrab) September 4, 2024

Fans are calling out Sony’s bad habit of abandoning IPs and treating them as one-and-done.

What about all the beloved classic IPs that haven't had a new entry in decades that were just shelves and forgotten about? Do those not count or something?

— Halo Plasmaposting (@Plasmaposting) September 4, 2024

The executives either refuse to acknowledge older classics or completely forget about them.

With the success of video game IP, this seems absurd. Sony has crushed its originals strategy and has plenty to choose from for decades. The execution has just been terrible (I.e uncharted). And with kids who grew up with PS2 aging, that IP will be primed for success

— Jared (@TheShiftingBlog) September 4, 2024

The gaming community is convinced the company is complaining about a problem that never existed.

They abandoned killzone, resistance, infamous, bloodborne, days gone etc they have more than enough they just decided to go live service and/or make new franchises while others (days gone, infamous, bloodborne) never even got proper endings

— Sub Mack (@SubMack1) September 5, 2024

These are a few IPs that have been lying dormant for years. These projects could counter the claims of executives.

One fan listed a few of the forgotten classics the company refused to acknowledge or utilize in the modern day. Sony does not lack original IP but lacks respect for older projects. The recent live-action adaptations of Uncharted and Twisted Metal were excellent examples of maximizing an IP across different formats.

The Xbox Community Would Kill to Gain Access to a Few PlayStation Exclusives

A lineup of all the great PlayStation IP Sony has in its beltSony redefined the meaning of greatness in gaming. Image Credit: PlayStation Studios

After this year’s Gamescom, Xbox players are convinced some PlayStation first-party titles will be ported to their platform. It is evident from the get-go that Sony had one advantage that other companies never had: a strong lineup of original IP.

The executives might have overlooked the portfolio of great IP tucked away underneath the company basement. The recent failure of Concord does not mean the company is incapable of developing newer projects; however, it should give them cause to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about the glory days and how they can help the company grow today.

Original IP is one area Sony has in spades and is fortunate to have boatloads of great material to be used in modern times. Fans would love to see beloved classics be remade for the PlayStation 5 or adapted into a motion picture or series.

The possibilities are endless; however, Sony is allowing these older IPs to rot when these could have been handled accordingly. The company’s executives are not as sharp as its advantage with quality IP.

Which Sony IP would you like to see utilized today? Let us know in the comments section below!



Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 961

Piqued by his interest in superheroes during the early days of Marvel movies, Rouvin fell in a rabbit hole of pop culture. His passion for movies led to video games and he fell in love with God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Red Dead Redemption, and more great single-player games that paved the way for his career as a gaming writer.