tigerlily taylor-adnan abdelfattah


  • Tigerlily Taylor and Adnan Abdelfattah married shortly after their first meeting.
  • Abdelfattah’s Muslim faith imposed strict rules on their relationship, affecting their ability to interact before marriage.
  • They failed to discuss critical issues like finances, living arrangements, and family planning prior to tying the knot.

They say love is blind, but in the world of reality TV, it seems to come with a pair of dark glasses and a sense of adventure that borders on the absurd! Now, when it comes to relationships, we sometimes turn a blind eye to the glaring red flags that should be setting off alarm bells. Just take Tigerlily Taylor, who seems to have leaped into the deep end with both feet in her romance with Adnan Abdelfattah on 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days.

For those not in the know, this show follows couples who have connected online but haven’t yet begun the K-1 visa process, putting their love to the ultimate test of patience & perseverance.

Tigerlily Taylor and Adnan Abdelfattah married shortly after their first meeting.
Tigerlily Taylor & Adnan Abdelfattah | Credit: Instagram / @adnanabdelfattah

Sure, we’re all in for a good love story. But when Taylor decides to marry Abdelfattah just hours after their first encounter, fans can’t help but raise an eyebrow & wonder if this romance is built on solid ground.

Love at First Fright: Tigerlily Taylor’s Hasty Romance with Adnan Abdelfattah

Let’s break it down: Tigerlily Taylor, a Texas native, connected with Jordanian model Adnan Abdelfattah on social media. After four months of virtual flirting, she hopped on a plane to Jordan, and as soon as she arrived, they opted to tie the knot. Abdelfattah’s Muslim faith significantly influenced their quick decision to marry.

Due to his beliefs, he couldn’t be alone with Taylor before they tied the knot, and the couple weren’t even allowed to hug—though they did break that rule when they finally met. The latter, respected Abdelfattah’s traditions and agreed to marry quickly to stay within his religious guidelines.

However, she didn’t grasp a complete picture of what that would mean for her life. Abdelfattah expected her to adhere to strict guidelines, like wearing looser clothing and limiting her friendships with men. Discovering these expectations on their wedding day? That’s a bombshell no bride wants to unwrap!

Abdelfattah’s Muslim faith imposed strict rules on their relationship, affecting their ability to interact before marriage.
Tigerlily Taylor & Adnan Abdelfattah | Credit: Instagram / @adnanabdelfattah

And then there’s the money issue. You’d think discussing finances before marriage is essential, but this couple completely skipped over it. Taylor enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle in the U.S. but didn’t protect her assets before marrying Abdelfattah. Without knowing his financial situation, she could be stepping into a risky situation.

With a marriage so hastily thrown together, it’s no surprise that they might not know much about each other. They hadn’t even discussed the most basic elements of married life. It raises eyebrows about how well they planned this whole thing. They certainly have easily hashed out these important topics during their months of long-distance dating instead of just flirting over screens.

Tigerlily Taylor Should Have Noticed the Red Flags in Adnan Abdelfattah?

First things first—where were these two lovebirds planning to live? Adnan Abdelfattah dropped the bombshell that he’s never leaving Jordan, which must have come as a shock to Tigerlily Taylor. For a couple who has been miles apart, it’s a glaring red flag that they haven’t come together to hammer out a plan for moving in together.

They failed to discuss critical issues like finances, living arrangements, and family planning prior to tying the knot.
Tigerlily Taylor & Adnan Abdelfattah | Credit: Instagram / @adnanabdelfattah

Then there’s the family planning—or the complete lack of it! He casually mentioned wanting five children. She’s already juggling two kids, and let’s face it, at her age, adding five more might seem like asking for trouble.

Abdelfattah certainly seemed in a hurry to get to the altar. From his first appearance on 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days, his frantic energy suggested he wanted to tie the knot before Taylor could change her mind. 

True, Taylor may have jumped into a marriage with Abdelfattah without looking both ways, but the question remains: will she open her eyes before it’s too late? Regardless, let’s hope the couple can steer clear of the pitfalls and find a way to build a future together—before their fairy tale turns into a cautionary tale!

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days is currently streaming on TLC.

90 Day FiancéAdnan AbdelfattahTigerlily Taylor


Written by Siddhika Prajapati

Articles Published: 2007

Meet Siddhika, the literary wizard who can find a story in a teacup and make a mountain out of a molehill—well, a really fascinating mountain, that is!

Armed with a Literature Honors and a Post-Graduate degree in Journalism from Delhi University, her knack for finding the extraordinary in the mundane makes her storytelling as vivid as a painter’s palette.

As the Senior Entertainment Writer at Fandom Wire, she has penned over 2000 pieces. Her pen has danced across the pages of Indian Express, India Today, and Outlook Group.

Maybe her next story might be the one that steals your heart!