Tokyo Godfathers is considered the all-time best Christmas anime watch. The creator, Satoshi Kon, has experimented with mind-bending themes before, but Tokyo Godfathers went way beyond his usual specialty. Yet, fans accepted it with open arms, mainly due to its wholesomeness.
Satoshi Kon is also the creator of Perfect Blue, Paprika, Millenium Actress, and other critically acclaimed movies. All of them have been one megahit after another, bringing home tons of praise. But it was Tokyo Godfathers that proved just how wide of a range the director and animator has.
Satoshi Kon didn’t want things to get redundant with Tokyo Godfathers
Tokyo Godfathers is admittedly a huge departure from the type of movies Satoshi Kon had done till then. Before this wholesome movie, he directed Perfect Blue and Millenium Actress, both of which blended reality with dreamlike elements. Both are also fairly in the psychological genre. Tokyo Godfathers, on the other hand, tells the story of three homeless people who try to find the parents of a baby they found in the trash.
In an interview with Anime News Network, Satoshi Kon explained:
In Satoshi Kon’s movies, the divide between dreams and reality is often blurred, which can be seen in his next film, Paprika as well. According to the director, the story becomes overly theatrical. But with Tokyo Godfathers, he intentionally made the story simple. The focus on the backgrounds of the characters is more.
The film also portrays homelessness in Japan, an issue that society does not like talking about. Kon expressed that he wanted to focus on the mindset surrounding those who have been discarded from society. He wanted to examine someone who has been separated from the mainstram society, yet can rejuvenate it with their selfless efforts.
Satoshi Kon stepped outside his comfort zone and proved why he is one of a kind
Anime directors often get stuck with a similar kind of theme while creating projects. Be it Hayao Miyazaki or Makoto Shinkai, everyone can be identified with their works in an instant. Hayao Miyazaki’s movies are simple yet complex with the romanticization of daily life. They also have grave undertones of societal issues, yet they are created to be palatable to children.
Makoto Shinkai, on the other hand, does romance best. From Your Name and Weathering with You to his latest film, Suzume, Shinkai has done his best to portray romance in different ways, at the cost of them becoming overdone. But both of these legendary directors have yet to create something that can be called a departure from their usual style.
Kon, on the other hand, successfully moved away from his typical style with Tokyo Godfathers. Yes, it might be a single movie, but it shows that he is capable of being diverse with his creations. And that is exactly why he has set himself apart from other great directors in the anime industry.
Tokyo Godfathers is available to stream on Prime Video.