call of duty black ops 6


  • Players would love to have more players in a single multiplayer match in Call of Duty.
  • Treyarch and Raven Software could increase the lobby capacity for players to enjoy online matches.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be released later this year on various gaming platforms.

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Call of Duty is one of the longest-running gaming franchises and the gaming community has high expectations for this year’s installment. The single-player story mode has taken a massive dip in quality in the past few entries; however, the game developers mostly shift their focus towards the online multiplayer aspect. The competitive multiplayer lobbies have been the bread and butter of this franchise, and fans want to see the developers take it up a notch.

 Black Ops 6.The gaming community is eager to see how the developers will improve the Call of Duty series. Image Credit: Activision Blizzard.

Players have been training for the past few years and the latest entry will put their skills to the test. Some players would like to increase the capacity of each lobby to challenge themselves by having more enemy players to shoot and avoid.

Treyarch and Raven Software Could Take Call of Duty Multiplayer to a New Level

The combined efforts of Treyarch and Raven Software have borne great fruit. The game developers held an open beta for Black Ops 6 and the gaming community loved the new additions to gameplay like the omnidirectional movement which allows them to dive and shoot simultaneously, and the ability to incapacitate enemies and use them as a human shield while having an open line of communication between the two players leading to some memorable and hilarious moments.

Players are interested in competing because it evokes a certain emotion knowing someone is better than others. This friendly competition often resorts to online toxic behavior which is not what the game developers had in mind; however, it is productive in the sense that players are willing to put in the work and exert more effort to keep up with other enemy players. The multiplayer lobbies of Black Ops 6 could increase the capacity allowing more players to interact with each other and up the stakes of competition.

Treyarch and Raven Software stumbled on something massive with the omnidirectional movement and it will be a learning curve for most of the player base. Players diving into the open beta are taking advantage of their time using the new movement system to gain an edge against the competition, and this will likely leave a lasting impact on competitive and casual players. Some players will not be happy about the new system and widen the skill gap for the worse.

More players mean more chances of getting into the action as fast as possible. This will greatly benefit the combat pacing and force the action rather than waiting for the opportunity to encounter a player from the enemy team. Black Ops 6 players will take their time to learn everything about the omnidirectional movement system and human shield feature to improve their chances of winning, and this could be carried over to succeeding Call of Duty installments.

Black Ops 6 Has Only Scratched the Surface for the Potential of Call of Duty

 Black Ops 6.It is time for Call of Duty developers to increase the lobby capacity for more fun. Image Credit: Activision Blizzard

Forcing the action means players will be on edge the entire match and the map will feel relatively smaller, especially with players hiding and peaking in every corner. Treyarch and Raven Software could allow the gaming community to enjoy and experience their technological achievements for the franchise in a single match.

The traditional multiplayer lobbies feel much larger because the player count is limited and it takes a while before players can reach certain points on the map before they bump into an enemy. More players in a single match will permanently solve this problem with combat pacing.

Treyarch and Raven Software has achieved something groundbreaking and it would be great if more players can queue in a match with at least twice the capacity as previous games. This is one method to encourage players to try harder and play longer amidst the fierce competition.

Would you like to see the developers increase the player count in multiplayer lobbies for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6? Let us know in the comments section below!

ActivisionCall of DutyTreyarch


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 993

Piqued by his interest in superheroes during the early days of Marvel movies, Rouvin fell in a rabbit hole of pop culture. His passion for movies led to video games and he fell in love with God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Red Dead Redemption, and more great single-player games that paved the way for his career as a gaming writer.