helldivers 2 weapon


  • The Helldivers 2 community is abuzz with suggestions for new features, including a specific attachment for primary weapons.
  • The idea has been met with enthusiasm from players, who are already dreaming up WW1-inspired loadouts for their Helldivers.
  • Recent leaks and hints from Arrowhead suggest that such a feature could already be in development for the game.

As Helldivers 2 continues its triumphant resurgence, with more and more of Super Earth’s finest eager to dive back into the battle for spreading managed democracy, the game’s subreddit has become a hotbed of activity. From hilarious memes and war stories to insightful feedback and suggestions, the Helldivers community is once again abuzz with ideas for how to make the game even better.

Helldivers 2 image of four Helldivers marching towards the camera with a blue Super Earth flag in the background.The community is readily on board with the idea. | Image Credit: PlayStation/YouTube

But there’s one suggestion in particular that has really caught the community’s eye—a blast from the past that could add a whole new dimension to the Helldivers’ arsenal.

A Bayonet to the Heart (or Circuits) of the Enemy

The idea, as proposed by a clever Redditor, is simple yet brilliant: add a bayonet attachment for primary weapons in Helldivers 2.

That’s right, the iconic melee weapon that struck fear into the hearts of soldiers during the trench warfare of World War I could soon be making its way to Super Earth’s armory—if Arrowhead obliges, that is:

Arrowhead, you better not let us down. (We know and you know that we know)
byu/Yurishenko94 inHelldivers

The suggestion has been met with overwhelming enthusiasm from the community, with many players already dreaming of the glorious carnage they could unleash with a trusty bayonet at their side.

byu/Yurishenko94 from discussion

Some have even taken the idea a step further, imagining a full-on Battlefield 1-inspired loadout for their Helldivers. Good old days:

byu/Yurishenko94 from discussion

But perhaps the most compelling argument for the addition of bayonets comes from the game itself. As one player pointed out, the loading screen tips have been hinting at this very strategy all along:

byu/Yurishenko94 from discussion

It’s a sentiment that perfectly captures the gung-ho spirit of the Helldivers—and with bayonets at their disposal, they could finally put that advice into practice in the most literal way possible.

A Helldivers 2 Leak from the Front Lines

Soldiers in Helldivers 2 celebrate after a hard-fought victory with Terminid enemies.The dream may yet come true. | Image Credit: PlayStation/YouTube

As it turns out though, the idea of bayonets in Helldivers 2 might not be just a pipe dream after all. Last month, credible dataminer and leaker IronS1ghts took to X to share some tantalizing details about a potential new addition to the game:

— IronS1ghts (@Iron_S1ghts) July 31, 2024

The leak came hot on the heels of a cryptic tweet from Arrowhead CEO Shams Jorjani, who seemed to be hinting at the very same thing:

best idea yet – expendable Bayonets 👀 https://t.co/5F8T7gbOvR

— Shams Jorjani (@ShamsJorjani) July 31, 2024

The tweet was in response to a Reddit post from Jorjani himself, in which he solicited ideas from the community for new ways to use resources for progression in the game. And it seems like the bayonet suggestion was an instant hit with the Arrowhead team.

So, circling back to the question posed in our title—will Helldivers 2 ever give us the iconic WW1 weapon as a rifle accessory? Based on the leaks and hints we’ve seen so far, it seems like there’s a very good chance that the devs are already at work on making this dream a reality.

Of course, only time will tell for sure. But one thing is certain: if and when bayonets do make their way to the game, the Terminids, Automatons, and even the soon-to-arrive Illuminates won’t know what hit them.

What do you think about the idea of bayonets in Helldivers 2? Would you charge headlong into battle with one fixed to your rifle? Let us know in the comments below!

Arrowhead Game StudiosHelldivers 2


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 198

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. Now, when he's not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty, Valorant or even Rocket League, you can catch him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!