Final Fantasy 16


  • Yoshi-P spoke about Square Enix's plans to bring more of its titles to Xbox platforms.
  • The success of Final Fantasy 14 on the console has been a large driving factor for this decision.
  • Fans are hopeful to see Final Fantasy 16 make it to GamePass, but remain cautious.

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The rumor mill is once again churning, this time with an exciting prospect for Xbox fans: Could Final Fantasy 16 be making its way to GamePass soon? While this sounds like an insane leap of logic that seemingly comes from nowhere, it all stems from some comments made by a very well-known creative director from the game’s studio.

If what he says is indicative of the future, then people’s hopes of seeing this Final Fantasy title enter Microsoft’s gaming subscription model might not be so far-fetched after all.

Yoshi-P Talks About the Decision Behind Targeting Xbox Users

Yoshi-P is the director of Final Fantasy 14 and 16, and the information he shared with Eurogamer at Gamescom has ignited Xbox fans’ hopes of being able to play the latter through the platform’s gaming subscription service.

He spoke about the company’s evolving relationship with Xbox. As the franchise’s popular MMORPG finally made its debut on the console, Yoshi-P expressed his satisfaction with the strong response from the Xbox community.

It’s just the beginning of a larger strategy to bring more Square Enix titles to Xbox.

Yoshi-P explained that there’s not a huge market of Xbox users in Japan, which is why there was much hesitation from a business standpoint to bring the company’s games to the platform.

With how successful the move to a multi-platform strategy has been, he hinted that we can expect more games from the company to follow suit.

We Could See Final Fantasy 16 on Xbox Soon

An image of Final Fantasy 16 from Square Enix.The primary goal is to see Final Fantasy 16 on Xbox. | Credit: Square Enix

The comments Yoshi-P made are strong, and it has sparked speculation among fans about the next games from the company that could come to the platform.

Final Fantasy 16 is one that Xbox users have been eagerly waiting news for, as it’s currently only available on PS5 with a PC release date announced recently.

So that means it’s coming to Gamepass . For the 💰

— Prelloaded (@KingPrel) August 28, 2024

If the push to Xbox is as serious as the producer mentions, fans believe there is a chance Final Fantasy 16 could appear on Xbox’s subscription service. For context, other titles from the franchise were available on it before.

Curious when that will come to pass. As another person said below “i’ll believe it when i see it” when it comes to final fantasy, anyway.

— J Mo Money (@wolfpac_101) August 28, 2024

Not everyone is as confident with Yoshi-P’s words, choosing to wait to see some action before jumping to conclusions.

Their old strategy wasn't working, so they have to do something new. They shouldn't have waited so long

— Ultra Nstinctz (@UltraNstinctz) August 28, 2024

A common sentiment seems to be confusion around why it took the company so long to realize it had a player base on Xbox.

Its games have been under PlayStation exclusivity for quite a while, but after reports from earlier this year about financial troubles, it was reported to be pushing a multiplatform strategy to stay out from under the water.

It’ll be interesting to see if part of these plans includes putting huge titles like the latest Final Fantasy on the platform, let alone Xbox’s subscription service. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

final fantasy 14Final Fantasy 16Square Enix


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 490

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been writing about video games for several years. When they're not complaining about the lack of a Bloodborne sequel or brushing up on the Yokoverse lore, Vibha is busy watching 3-hour video essays on horror games they're too scared to play themselves.