The Uncharted series, developed under the direction of Amy Hennig offered a cinematic narrative with its unforgettable characters, action-packed sequences, and immersive world-building. Hennig’s direction brought Nathan Drake to life while elevating the series to a new level with rich narrative depth.
However, even with the trilogy’s massive commercial and critical success, Hennig revealed a scene from Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception which she still regrets. One that even Nolan North, the voice behind Nathan Drake, felt could have been executed better.
Amy Hennig’s regret over an Uncharted 3 scene
In Uncharted 3, Nathan Drake finds himself stranded in the vast and unforgiving Rub’ al Khali desert after surviving a plane crash. Struggling to survive, he came across an abandoned village, hoping to find water and shelter.
In the village, Drake discovers a small amount of water in a well, only to find it undrinkable. This moment was intended to showcase the harsh reality of survival, but the sequence divided players.
Its impact felt diminished because, almost immediately after, Drake is shown scaling a wall, seemingly unaffected by the dehydration and exhaustion he had just experienced. In her conversation with Nolan North, Hennig explained that the desert sequence was designed to build a sense of extreme isolation and struggle.
During the walkthrough with Nolan, Hennig addressed the scene: the line where Drake says, “Ah Sh*t, it’s undrinkable.” She explained that the line was meant to showcase Drake’s desperation and exhausting condition, but it unintentionally removed the emotional gravity of the moment.
It is something I kind of screwed up, in hindsight. […] There is an opportunity for him to get a little drink in the village and I would have played it differently than we did.
Hennig now believes this moment was a missed opportunity to give Drake a small victory. If he had been able to drink and recover, his subsequent climb would have felt more meaningful, as it was the water that helped him regain some strength.
After all, by this point in the story, Drake has endured a series of grueling challenges, and a moment of relief could have served as a crucial emotional shift. Even North weighed in, agreeing that the scene could have been more effective if executed differently.
The enduring legacy of Uncharted
Although Hennig left Naughty Dog during the early stages of Uncharted 4, her influence on the series is undeniable. Despite this one scene that Hennig feels she “screwed up,” the foundation she developed is praised for its intricate narrative, dynamic characters, and stunning set pieces.
Hennig’s storytelling, world-building, and character development have shaped one of the iconic video game franchises of all time, and players still continue to appreciate the series for its cinematic quality and engaging plotlines.
While the “undrinkable” water moment may not have landed as intended by Hennig, her accepting the scene’s flaw highlights a rare instance where the creative director feels a decision could have improved the game and narrative even more.
In the end, even the best creators have their moments of reflection, and in Hennig’s case, it’s clear that her contributions to the Uncharted legacy far outweigh any regrets.