Marvel Studios is all set to unleash the Red Hulk in Captain America: Brave New World, played by Harrison Ford. Ford replaced the late William Hurt as Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, who earlier had an encounter with Edward Norton’s Hulk. In the comics, the two characters cannot stand each other and go head-to-head.
In fact, Ross’ transformation to the Red Hulk is somewhat fueled by his personal vendetta against the Hulk. Despite displaying almost similar powers of superhuman strength, durability, and endurance, there are some key differences between the characters in terms of powers and other aspects.
10 Angrier Hulk and angrier Red Hulk respond differently
The more angry the Hulk gets, the stronger he becomes. However, this power doesn’t work the same for Red Hulk. The Red Hulk radiates increasing heat when he gets angry. According to the comics, this heat is not under his control and doesn’t have an upper limit specified.
When the Red Hulk first fights the Hulk in a desert, he emits high heat energy. This heat appeared as an aura of flames surrounding the Red Hulk. The resulting flames melted the desert sand into a glass disc measuring several feet in diameter. However, the increased heat emission at this level also drains the energy of the monster and renders him weak.
9 Hulk and Red Hulk got their powers under entirely different circumstances
The physically weak and socially withdrawn Dr. Bruce Banner never wanted to become the Hulk. However, he was accidentally exposed to gamma rays when trying to save the life of the young boy Rick Jones. This caused the doctor to turn into an out-of-control muscular humanoid when subjected to emotional stress.
However, Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross chose (or manipulated into) this path for himself. Ross made a deal with the villainous group Intelligencia, which primarily consists of Hulk villains Leader and M.O.D.O.K. According to their deal, the villains promised to bring Betty Ross back to life if he would become the Red Hulk. Ross also agreed to it hoping to have a better chance to fight the Hulk.
Fans have little clue about the backstory of Harrison Ford‘s Red Hulk in Captain America: Brave New World.
8 Red Hulk can control his transformation unlike the Hulk
While any emotional stress can transform Bruce Banner into a monster, the Red Hulk has got a hold over his transformation. It is very similar to She-Hulk, who can willingly transform into and out of her alter-ego. It is one area where Bruce Banner has a disadvantage and Ross has an advantage.
Fans saw the Hulk’s disadvantage in detail throughout Phase 3 of the MCU, where Mark Ruffalo‘s Banner had no control over his transformations until Avengers: Endgame. Interestingly, the trailer of the new film Captain America: Brave New World seemingly portrays Ross’ transformation as unintentional, confusing the fans a little.
7 Red Hulk’s energy absorption power gives him a unique advantage
Unlike the Hulk, the Red Hulk can absorb all forms of energy. It includes magical, cosmic, and even other Godly forms of energy. The Red Hulk’s body metabolizes the energy and gains more strength. It means that Red Hulk can stay in his monstrous form longer than the Hulk.
It also gives him a unique advantage in fights against cosmic forces. Red Hulk has better chances of defeating cosmic beings including Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer, thanks to his cosmic energy absorption power. He drains the energy from his enemy, thus weakening them. Cosmic beings are not the only powerful enemies that Red Hulk can beat.
One might argue that he will beat Thor, having a better chance at it than the Hulk. Red Hulk could absorb Odin Force and use it to beat the mighty Avenger.
6 There was only one Hulk but two different Red Hulks
Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross isn’t the only one to take on the Red Hulk mantle in Marvel Comics. In another version, Roberta Da Costa aka Sunspot purchases and reorganizes the crime group Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM) into the Avengers Idea Mechanics. He needed a militarized version of Hulk for his team and turned to army man Robert Maverick.
Maverick’s Red Hulk was totally different from Ross’ in terms of his transformation. Maverick used a Hulk plug-in device instead of exposing himself to gamma radiation. This device was engineered in a lab and largely restricted the Red Hulk’s abilities. It allowed the transformation to only last for an hour.
5 Hulk and Red Hulk’s relationship with the military
Even fans who have just seen the Hulk in movies know that the green monster and the military are not among the best of friends. A team, formed by Thunderbolt Ross and led by Emil Blonsky, attacked Edward Norton‘s Hulk in The Incredible Hulk. It was the case with the comics as well, where the military uses all their firepower to subdue him unsuccessfully.
While the Hulk is hated and hunted by the military, the Red Hulk himself is a revered military man. The later version, Robert Maverick, also belongs to the military. This difference in their relationship with the military can be seen in the way both the monsters operate.
Red Hulk’s relationship with the military will most probably be explored in the upcoming Captain America 4 film.
4 Red Hulk has Ross’ personality while Bruce Banner has a clear case of DID
In Marvel Comics, it has been confirmed that Bruce Banner/Hulk has dissociative identity disorder (DID). It means that Bruce Banner and Hulk are two different personalities. The angrier Hulk doesn’t carry the intelligence of Bruce Banner and acts in a more primal manner. We have seen the Hulk throw tantrums like a child. However, Ruffalo’s Banner got this under control in the MCU storyline.
Meanwhile, Ross maintains his personality even when he transforms into the Red Hulk. The same was the case with Maverick’s Red Hulk. This makes Red Hulk much more dangerous as he calculates each of his moves, just like the army man Thunderbolt Ross.
3 Bruce Banner’s fractured psyche gave birth to more Hulk versions
Thunderbolt Ross only had one version of the Red Hulk, while Bruce Banner debuted several Hulk versions. This could be attributed to the fractured psyche of the character. As mentioned earlier, Banner’s transformation was accidental which caused him to deal with a lot of trauma. However, Red Hulk was intentionally engineered and therefore, had only one form.
Banner has also been the thuggish Joe Fixit Hulk, the genius scientist Doc Green, the self-hating protector Devil Hulk, the brilliant warrior World-Breaker, and the mindless destructive force known as the War. He also took an immortal form called the Immortal Hulk.
A couple of these versions appeared in the MCU. It is rumored that an upcoming Hulk movie in the MCU might explore more of these versions.
2 The difference between unconscious Hulk and unconscious Red Hulk
A weakened Hulk would pass out and transform back into his human form, Bruce Banner. This is one of the Hulk’s biggest disadvantages, making him most vulnerable in front of his villains. However, when the Red Hulk weakens and passes out, he doesn’t change back to Ross.
This is seen in the first fight between the Hulk and the Red Hulk, where the latter gets weakened due to the emission of excessive heat energy. When the Red Hulk passes out in exhaustion, he doesn’t return to his human form. Ross has this one advantage over his enemies that the Hulk doesn’t have.
1 Hulk is a protagonist while Red Hulk is an antagonist
It is ironic that the out-of-control humanoid monster is mostly a protagonist in Marvel stories while the Red Hulk, with his conscious mind, is an antagonist. Ross decides to turn into the Red Hulk, partly due to a personal vendetta against the Hulk. It is easier to hate the Red Hulk in the Marvel Universe.
However, nothing remains black and white in the Stan Lee-created universe and there are moments when we root for Red Hulk. There are also moments when we yearn for the Hulk to lose the battle. With Harrison Ford in the role in the MCU, fans are likely to root for the Red Hulk character.
Captain America: Brave New World will hit theaters on February 14, 2025.