Baldur's Gate 3 Co-op


  • Since its release, Baldur's Gate 3 has continued to give more and more value to its players, with each new update adding a whole host of new things to try out.
  • The game's Patch 7 is the newest update to this, which brings a ton of fixes alongside a revamped and more dynamic split-screen co-op system and new modding features.
  • Due to the modding bit, unfortunately, the patch has been delayed for Consoles and Mac until October, leaving a few people slightly disappointed.

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Since last year, Larian Studios has continued to push the envelope on what people should expect from a video game developer. Baldur’s Gate 3, the studio’s finest game to date, still dominates the charts across different platforms just to prove the same.

A still from Baldur's Gate 3, featuring the game's iconic city.Caption: Larian Studios continues to innovate and set new standards in the industry with Baldur’s Gate 3 – Image Credit: Larian Studios.

The game’s latest update, patch 7, is only further testament to its dedication to refining the already-hailed masterpiece. Not only does it bring further gameplay enhancement, but it also introduces an absolutely delightful modernization of split-screen co-op. There’s only one small issue with the patch that will most certainly leave a few console players jealous of the PC Master Race.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Wows Fans With Its Modern Take on Split-Screen Co-op

A still from Baldur's Gate 3, featuring the game's Minotaur fight.Baldur’s Gate 3 still remains the RPG of this console generation, even a year after its release – Image Credit: Larian Studios.

No one can deny that Baldur’s Gate 3, along with its developers, is a gift that keeps on giving, with the game only getting better with every innovative update.

Patch 7 is a prime example of the same, which aims to bring a fresh approach to split-screen sessions, setting yet another new standard for CRPGs. The revamped system now allows the players’ display to dynamically merge or split based on their proximity to one another.

Not only will this result in more immersive cooperative runs, but it will also ensure that players can better coordinate and engage with different scenarios accordingly.

It’s a great way to experience this game’s magic, but what’s the cherry on top is the addition of the Mod Manager and the Baldur’s Gate 3 toolkit, which would enable players to browse and manage mods directly from within the game, provided those mods are created using the Toolkit.

The only catch, is that due to the sheer effort required in implementation of these features, Patch 7 will be delayed for console and Mac users to the month of Halloween. Not only that, but it appears that cross-saves will be non-functional till the patch arrives on all platforms.

Although the extended wait has caused a slight disappointment among console and Mac gamers, who are eager to experience the game’s latest features, at the very least, all players get to experience all that Patch 7 has to offer within a month.

Larian Has a Few More Exciting Patches Coming up for Baldur’s Gate 3

A still from Baldur's Gate 3, featuring the character Shadowheart. With Larian Studio’s Baldur’s Gate 3 run coming to an end, it would be fascinating to see where it heads next – Image Credit: Larian Studios.

As if Patch 7 wasn’t enough for Larian, Swen and his team still has a couple more patches left to go before they finally call it a day with Baldur’s Gate 3, as revealed during their final live panel for the game at PAX West in Seattle.

The only thing we know for now is that these patches will cover cross-play and photo mode and that once these patches go through, Larian will be moving on to next project.

It remains to be seen what that next game will be. Still, given this studio’s incredible track record, even if it takes a while, once it comes out, it is sure to send some good old shockwaves across the industry.

With that said, With all that said, what are your thoughts on Baldur’s Gate 3’s newest patch? Are you excited to try the revamped co-op system? Let us know in the comments below.

baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 135

Akshit is a (supposed) human being and gaming writer who lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.